Wisdom In Words

I would never say that I am in any way philosophical or poetic and I do not believe a person’s intelligence directly correlates with their capability to string words together like beads to a necklace. I just believe that some people have more to say than others and when the words are painted on beautifully, they are much more interesting to look at. The only bone of contention is that if a person were to be ‘so’ prehensile that every other word would be illegible to the common reader, then all the power in the words is lost. I think the written word is more about spreading information and that it isn’t about proving to others that you are wise beyond your years or even just wise enough to match them. I believe in writing to say what you mean instead of writing to pump one’s ego. I understand you have a Thesaurus in your hands but sometimes the beauty lies in the written work’s very simplicity. And, anyway, delicacies are only lovely once every few lines; otherwise you get fat. 🙂


  1. Who has not understood your wonderful vocabulary should go where andres!! Other word load, which are without nuclei,))))))))).
    Wonderful words many love thanks, “I wish them and their family everything very well, for the coming 2019, with a lot of health and success, love God protect them all!!!!! Salam.

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